Clever Hunting at Night – All You Need to Know About Night Hunting

hunting at night

Greetings fellow hunters!

Like you, I am an avid hunter. The thrill and unique challenges mean that my favorite time to hunt is at night. I have hunted during the day and night since I was eighteen and accompanied my father before that.

The first time you go hunting at night can be scary. You might be confused about what you need and how to go about getting it. But don’t worry we have you covered!

I have dedicated CleverHunter to sharing helpful tips that I have learned throughout the years. The blog will cover the best Night Vision Gear, how to use your gear, camping and other essential advice to hunting at night.

Guide to Hog Hunting for Beginners

hog hunting tips

Hog hunting is immensely popular among animal hunters.

This is particularly so because hogs breed at an alarming rate and there is a genuine need to eradicate them in order to safeguard humans and property.

Several states in the US allow hunting hogs on private as well as public land because of the need to reduce their populations.

hog hunting for beginner

For hunters, hog hunting is an opportunity to whet and fulfill their hobby while doing public good at the same time.

However, hunting hog has its dangers.

Compared to more benign game animals like deer, hogs are very aggressive.

If given an opportunity, they can attack and seriously injure a human being.

This is particularly true when they feel threatened. So if you are planning to start hunting hogs, you must take adequate safety measures.

It is highly advisable that if you are a beginner, you start alongside a more seasoned hog hunter.

At any rate, make sure that you have a reliable weapon and that you are able to track the hogs effectively.

9 Great Tips Will Help You Make Fire in The Rain or Wet Conditions

Fire In The Rain Or Wet

When you are camping out on a dry or sunny day, it is fairly easy to get the fire going.

All you have to go is gather the firewood, light up a spark and then tend the fire until it is handsome enough to keep you warm or to cook some quality food.

The real challenge is when you are outdoors on a wet or damp day or camping in the snow.

At such times, kindling a fire is a fairly hard job. This is where the following tips come in handy. 

These tips will help you create a fire in rainy or wet conditions.

Camping in Snow: Top 6 Important Tips You Should Not Ignore

Camping in Snow Tips

Camping outdoors is a great way of getting up close with nature and enjoying its various colors. 

Most people prefer to camp in the summers when the landscape is greener, rivers are flowing, firewood is plenty and they don’t have to face extreme temperatures.

However, camping in winters is as much fun. 

Winters offer an altogether different landscape for nature lovers. The white blanket of snow covers everything including the trees that stand like white sentinels. 

The rivers and lakes are frozen, and there are no tourists around. So winter is a quieter but equally scenic time to camp outdoors.

6 Expert Tips to Fishing in The Rain

Fishing In The Rain

Fishing in the rain has its perks and precautions.

One of the key attractions of fishing in the rain is simply the weather.

Although most fishing enthusiasts like to catch their fish on a clear, sunny day but sometimes, an overcast sky and rain can also offer an awesome fishing experience.

For those who like to take on a good challenge, fishing in the rain also furnishes that. It is definitely harder than fishing on regular days and you have to make some extra effort to make your catch.

Here are some expert tips and guidelines to improve your fishing odds on a rainy day.

8 Things to Prepare When Fishing at Night

Prepare When Fishing at Night

Fishing at night is quite different from fishing in daylight.

Night fishing is popular among fishing enthusiasts for a variety of reasons.

For one, night is the time when many fish varieties are bold enough to venture near the surface, making it easier to catch them.

Some enthusiasts may simply like the calm and the quiet of the night to enjoy a good fishing session.

Either way, night fishing requires you to be suitably prepared.

Many daylight fishing tips and tricks do not work when fishing at night.

So here are some important things to consider and other handy guidelines that will make your night fishing a success.

Things to Consider When Carrying Binoculars and Some of The Best Ways to Carry Them

carrying binoculars

Binoculars are used for a variety of outdoors activities.

From bird-watching to sport hunting, binoculars are an integral piece of equipment for outdoor enthusiasts.

However, as any piece of specialized equipment, they require proper care and storage.

Most quality binoculars cost a tidy sum. So you want to be sure that your binoculars are safe when you are outdoors.

This means keeping the binoculars secure not only when you are using them but also when they are not in use.

There are a variety of ways to securely carry binoculars, and the particular method for an individual varies from person to person.

However, here are some important things to consider.

7 Things to Prepare Before You Hike in the Mountains

prepare for mountain hike

Hiking is cool! Although most people brush it off as just walking on dirt or rocks, those of us who enjoy it know that there’s something so fun in it.

The beauty of backpacking is that it holistically benefits you: mentally, physically, and health-wise.

It does not necessarily mean taking a 4-month sojourn hundreds of miles away from home.

Spending one day with the Mother Nature is still enough to reinvigorate you.

But wait! 

As simple as hiking may sound, it also requires good planning and preparation- regardless of the length of the hike and how experienced you are.

Planning reduces the chances of being stuck for a whole week after the hike. It could also be a lifesaver.

Why Should You Keep Your Hiking Boots Dry? and How to Waterproof Your Hiking Boots?

Keep Your Hiking Boots Dry

Whenever the topic "Hiking" comes up, the first thing that clicks most people’s mind is waterproof/water resistant boots.

It has been so from the days of old.

But let’s put things straight here. Are waterproof and water resistant boots truly waterproof or water resistant?

What do these two terms mean? Are they the same thing?

Best Ways to Protect Yourself From Wild Animals When Hunting at Night

Protect Yourself From Wild Animals

Hunting at night can be fun and thrilling! 

One significant advantage of being in the woods when others are tucked in bed is that there is reduced hunting pressure. 

This is also a good time to pull out a surprise attack on some diurnal animals in their sleep.

Unfortunately, as cool as this may sound, be aware that you’ll be hunting during the natural prowling time for predators.

In case they feel threatened in their domain, predators could turn the tables in a snap and decide to have you on their menu that night.